


The Testing Center provides testing services to support the academic and professional goals of students and visitors. Our center houses several private testing rooms and a computer lab.

We are open Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm, though hours may vary during certain times of the year. Parking is available in the lot across the street next to the Library. 参观 业务办公室 for a temporary parking pass, as parking is enforced Monday - Friday from 7am - 5pm.


Electronic devices are not permitted unless permission is given by the proctor or instructor. Montana Tech has a zero-tolerance policy for academic dishonesty, and all testers must follow our 学生行为准则

学生 taking placement exams must pay the one-time $25 testing fee before they can take their exams. The fee can be paid in-person at our 业务办公室 或者拨打406-496-4250. If you do not know which placement exam to take, please contact an 招生代表

Seats fill up fast during finals week, so flexibility for exam dates and times may be required, and we urge students and faculty to book final exam appointments with as much advanced notice as possible.


放置 exam for students who need to place into a higher level math course (up to Calc I).


For students who want to place into required writing courses and/or lower level math courses.


学生 & faculty can submit requests for exams at least 2 days in advance.


通过CLEP®获得大学学分. 我们全年监考.


Earn state-issued high school equivalency credit with HiSET®.


1440 W. 公园圣.
巴特,MT 59701